• Miia Toivio

    From the field | Shining a light on the diversity of writing courses

    There is perhaps more training on the subject of writing being offered in Finland than ever before. Courses can be short or long, in evenings or on weekends, face to face or remote, multi-year and multi-format, degree-oriented or just for fun. The course offering is scattered, however, and anyone interested must search the websites or …

  • Lähikuva Jari Nikkolan kasvoista.

    From the field | New solutions to cultural operators’ communication problems

    The new literary calendar (Kirjallisuuskalenteri.fi) simply needed to be invented. It was sorely needed, and my employer, the poetry community Nihil Interit, had been talking about it for a long time. Demands for a calendar and for a general improvement to publicity and communications in the literary sector had also been vocalized on the Runografi …

  • Tekstin talon toiminnanjohtaja Laura Serkosalo ja hankekoordinaattori Leena Manninen istuvat Bar tÿpon matalassa ikkunapöydässä. Taustalla näkyy baaritiski.

    From the field | More literature for your calendar

    The sun glints from behind clouds and the table is filled with excited chatter as Tekstin talo’s Executive Director Laura Serkosalo and Project Coordinator Leena Manninen take a seat by the window at Bar tÿpo to discuss the new literary calendar, to be launched to the public in October.
